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Child Sex Trafficking in Canada and How To Stop It

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Child Sex Trafficking in Canada and How To Stop It

The new book from Cathy Peters, available now on Amazon

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Child Sex Trafficking In Canada And How To Stop It

Child Sex Trafficking in Canada and How To Stop It

The new book from Cathy Peters, available now on Amazon

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Child Sex Trafficking in Canada and How To Stop It

A modern equal society does not buy and sell women and children.

Cathy Peters raises awareness about the issue of human sex trafficking, sexual exploitation and child sex trafficking for the purpose of prostitution. She speaks and presents to politicians, police and the public.

Today’s slavery has low costs and huge profits; a trafficker can make hundreds of thousands of dollars per victim per year.

The average age of entry into prostitution is 12–14 years of age in Canada, although traffickers are targeting children as young as 8. There has been a dramatic increase in child exploitation along with the production and consumption of child pornography. Unregulated technology has increased the demand for commercially paid sex.

The biggest problem in Canada is that the public is unaware of the issue. Women, youth, children, the marginalized and vulnerable will become potential targets and victims unless we do something to stop it.

Be Amazing. Learn. Share. Alert.

Cathy Peters is a former inner city high school teacher and, since 2014, has made over 650 presentations to more than 20,000 people.

She has received 17 Challenge Coins from Kitimat, North Vancouver, Coquitlam, Richmond, Surrey, and Chilliwack RCMP detachments, the RCMP HQ Counter Exploitation Unit, and from the RCMP Headquarters E Division Commanding Officer, Federal Corrections, New Westminster Police Department after presenting at the Justice Institute, Delta, Abbotsford, Victoria, and three coins from Vancouver Police Department.

Cathy’s work was introduced in the BC Legislature. She had a booth at the 2019 and 2023 UBCM conventions for BC civic and provincial politicians. She was asked to present to three Federal Justice Committees and to the Federal Status of Women Committee on Human Trafficking. Cathy has been a speaker to three MMIWG gatherings, numerous Indigenous groups and had a booth at the July 2022 Assembly of First Nations Convention.

In 2022 she presented at the Global Summit Connecting to Protect: Addressing the Harms of Porn on Youth from a Public Health Perspective (University of Calgary), presented at the first RCMP Human Trafficking webinar for law enforcement across Canada, and in 2023 presented at the Canadian Sexual Exploitation Summit. Cathy received a Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal for her anti-human trafficking advocacy work.

“Society and culture have come to a point where the most vulnerable are not being protected. Today’s youth, children, the vulnerable and marginalized are at a huge risk of early sexualization and sexual predation. They are aggressively targeted for sexual exploitation yet unaware of the insidious, coercive and manipulative tactics of the sex industry. As a society we have a moral obligation to address this exploitation immediately, resolutely and robustly. If we do not do so, the harm caused to future generations will be incalculable.” —Cathy Peters

Be Amazing Campaign Videos

Conversations That Matter. March 15, 2024. Watch time: 23:47

Careers That Matter. March 15, 2024. Watch time: 15.48

Cathy Peters Awareness Presentation. Cathy was keynote speaker at the Abbotsford Be Well, Be Safe event with strategies on how to keep youth safe from trafficking, exploitation, gangs, and bullying. Watch time: 17:00

Cathy Peters Interview with Anna Grace. Cathy interviews a sexual exploitation survivor at the Be Well, Be Safe event in Abbotsford, British Columbia on October 18, 2023. Watch time: 19:55

Watch Cathy’s 5-minute presentation to the Federal Status of Women Committee. Segment begins at 16:54:19.

Making a difference in the community

Cathy initiated public presentations in 2014 and has made hundreds of presentations to politicians, police, and the public, and more lately to police boards, school boards, frontline service providers, Indigenous groups, church groups, service clubs, chambers of commerce, justice committees, national summits, and has given interviews to magazines, radio programs, TV newscasts, podcasts, and newspapers.


The following items are available for download, or will direct you to an external website.


Be Amazing Campaign Awareness Brochure



What You Can Do to Stop Sexual Exploitation



Human Trafficking Book and Video Resources



Human Trafficking and Federal Law



Human Trafficking Definitions



Human Trafficking Indicators



Research Articles That Support a Gender Equality / Human Rights Approach



Healthy Versus Unhealthy Relationships



Addressing Pornography in a Digital World


Harpreet Singh Podcast
RED 89.1FM Vancouver

Child Sex Trafficking is on the Rise in Canada


Article with Audio Interview

Kids Face Increased Threat of Luring and Sextortion Online

View Article


Chilliwack’s children at risk for sex trafficking says B.C. anti-trafficking advocate

View Article


Fernie in Child Sex Trafficking Triangle

View Article

Vancouver Sun

Conversations That Matter

View Article


Brief Submission to the Status of Women Committee



Input for the Report to the Human Rights Council on Prostitution and Violence Against Women and Girls

Queens Platinum Jubilee 2022 Award


Cathy was honoured to receive the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal in 2022 for her anti-human trafficking advocacy work.

Child Sex Trafficking In Canada And How To Stop It Cover


This is a book that should never have had to be written. But here we are.

It describes the progression of my experience learning about the sexual exploitation of children in Canada, concluding with specific strategies on how we can stop it. Each chapter peels back a deeper level of the issue.

Please help me stop this scourge. While this issue has taken decades for me to understand, hopefully this book will shorten the process for the reader. Anyone and everyone can make a difference. And we must.


Cathy Peters is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to educating Canadians and leaders about the realities of human trafficking. I am grateful she has taken this important step of writing this book, one that will no doubt play an important role in equipping parents and all Canadians to take action.”

Arnold ViersenMP on APPG to End Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

When I served as a Member of the Canadian Parliament, I quickly learned I could not go it alone. In order to get anything meaningful done, a legislator had to ally herself or himself with a certain cadre of people... Cathy Peters has earned the right to the attention not only of legislators but also to you as a reader... Her many victories, humbly evident from her well-written, carefully referenced book, light the way to a better Canada and a better world. We would have better legislators tomorrow if we had more people like Cathy Peters today.”

John WestonStrategic Advisor, former MP, B.C.

Cathy Peters is a passionate and tireless advocate for trafficking victims and those trapped in the commercial sex industry. Her harrowing book uncovers the somber reality of exploitation, leaving the reader encouraged to fight against injustice and demand an equitable existence for all.”

Andrea HeinzExited Sex Seller, Alberta

Cathy Peters is a champion of the anti-trafficking community; working tirelessly to bring awareness to a topic most prefer to pretend doesn’t exist. Cathy has now punctuated her vocal efforts with this written exemplification on the grievous issue of human trafficking that is occurring right under their noses. Part academic research, part real-life story, Child Sex Trafficking in Canada and How To Stop It cleverly grabs a hold of both the reader’s heart and their intellect and leaves them with no option but to act.”

Alexandra StevensonWriter, Academic, Trafficked Survivor

It is great to see Cathy so inspired by the issue and how she continues to advocate and spotlight the cause.”

Joy Smith, B.Ed. M.Ed. OMFounder of the Joy Smith Foundation

As a tireless victim’s advocate, Cathy Peters has given voice to the thousands of vulnerable Canadian children who have fallen prey to the inherently evil practice of human trafficking sexual exploitation. Child Sex Trafficking in Canada and How To Stop It highlights the very real plight of young Canadians, who are lured or otherwise enticed into sex trafficking rings and then find it difficult, if not impossible, to escape from their enslavement... Kudos to Cathy Peters on this important work.”

Hon. Ed FastPC, QC, Member of Parliament, B.C.

Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline

24/7 Confidential Number: 1-833-900-1010


24/7 Confidential, Multilingual Service Across BC
Call or Text: 1-800-563-0808

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